Tuesday, April 6, 2010

...and what did they learn?

A whole bunch! We learned that there are already thousands of concerned individuals scared silly by the looming gloom and doom that is forecasted by scientists and thinkers around the world. Afraid of loosing the lifestyle of ease and leisure they are accustomed to, afraid they'll have to sell off all their belongings and move into a yurt (which sounds good to me, but I'm weird that way) and give up their blackberries, two hour commutes to work, convenience foods and gym-workouts across town. Some are afraid their children will face a future of fossil-fuel rations, job losses and a crashed economy: won't be able to afford real food, let alone buy a house, new clothes and oil for the furnace. There are those that are SO afraid, they don't even know what it is they're afraid OF!
We also learned that there are people who have worked around these issues and have some cool experiences to share. Solutions.

I'm very excited about this, welcome to my latest blog

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